Monday, November 05, 2007

life v2.9

As of late, I have tried many times conveying where I am in life right now.

Here is my latest attempt, as expressed in a recent email to a friend:

I am still deciding if I want to go back to college. Or, more importantly, where I would even go back to. I will not go back to college just to be at A college.... so, now I need to find a place that would be worth spending the next two years of my life there. Right now, the mountains or the beach sounds nice. I still dont much care what degree I get. I just want to study things that interest me, do some reading and writing, and develop some friendships. It is weird, the few friendships I have right now are really what keeps me going during the day. I write letters a few time a week, and I usually do it during my "off" time. I am still against just veging. This weekend, I cut up a few trees and wrote letters to friends. It was a nice weekend. Though, it would have been nicer if I would have been around real people.

Right now, I really feel like I have been thrown in the purification fires. For the last several months, I have really felt horrible, almost every day. For the last three weeks, I have just been trying to keep my sanity/ emotional stability. I think God wants to teach me something here. I look forward to growing, though, right now, it doesn't feel very good.

That is where I am in life. Candid and unashamed. I am growing, and yes, it is quite painful :-)

So... yea. Does anybody have any suggestions for where I should go to college... and why?


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