Saturday, April 26, 2008

Saturday vLog

Part 1:

Part 2:


jay said...

ben rector is amazing.

and if you ever have organizing questions or need tips. i'm totally the one to ask. i love organizing.

Anonymous said...

You could always donate your clothes, sell your books for money for your speedy car, and throw away all the folders of useless notes that you're probably never actually going to read again anyways because life just kind of moves quickly like that.

Anonymous said...

hi zac. it's nat. i stumbled upon your blog while i was supposed to be writing a paper. so instead of writing my paper, i've just been scouring the internet for something more interesting than the court cases i'm supposed to read. anyways, so the experiment you did with your class sounds really neat. i think something like that might be more effective if the entire class didn't have to hear the song because i am personally embarrassed by some of my favorite songs and would not want to play them in front of people, so for something like this, i would probably chosen the most socially acceptable song, which might not necessarily represent my personality or even my actual favorite song.
also, i then started thinking about my own favorite songs, and i have come to the conclusion that i am somewhat schizophrenic.