Tuesday, April 08, 2008

socializing gone right

I would really like to have better control of my social interactions... for whatever reason, my natural personality tends to upset people... a side effect that I wish I could avoid. Right now, in life, I am working on being more aware of the way that I interact with individuals, and thus I am trying to optimize myself as a social being.

Any tips?

Oh, and if anybody just so happens to be really good at organizing rooms or mowing grass... I could use help in both those areas too... :-)


Amy said...

Next time someone gets upset, calmly and compassionately ask them why they are upset. I think that's the best way to find out what it is about your personality that does that. As for the organizing, if you really need help with that, I can help. I once had to reorganize my friend's entire house (granted it was very small, but her parents are packrats). Anyways, yeah I can help. Which room?

Zac said...

haha... thank you for volunteering... but it was more of just a joke about me needing to clean my room, lol.

Amy said...

jokes/sarcasm rarely translate well on paper/internet