Monday, November 12, 2007

Quote of the day

"Do not let your spark go out, spark by irreplaceable spark. In the hopeless swamps of the not quite, the not yet, and the not at all, do not let the hero in your soul perish and leave only frustration for the life you deserved, but never have been able to reach. The world you desire can be won, it exists, it is real, it is possible, it is yours."

Ayn Rand, 'Atlas Shrugged'

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

My anthem

To keep myself going these last two moths, my phrase has been...

"It just isn't bad enough to quit... It just isn't enough to break."

Interesting... huh?

Monday, November 05, 2007

life v2.9

As of late, I have tried many times conveying where I am in life right now.

Here is my latest attempt, as expressed in a recent email to a friend:

I am still deciding if I want to go back to college. Or, more importantly, where I would even go back to. I will not go back to college just to be at A college.... so, now I need to find a place that would be worth spending the next two years of my life there. Right now, the mountains or the beach sounds nice. I still dont much care what degree I get. I just want to study things that interest me, do some reading and writing, and develop some friendships. It is weird, the few friendships I have right now are really what keeps me going during the day. I write letters a few time a week, and I usually do it during my "off" time. I am still against just veging. This weekend, I cut up a few trees and wrote letters to friends. It was a nice weekend. Though, it would have been nicer if I would have been around real people.

Right now, I really feel like I have been thrown in the purification fires. For the last several months, I have really felt horrible, almost every day. For the last three weeks, I have just been trying to keep my sanity/ emotional stability. I think God wants to teach me something here. I look forward to growing, though, right now, it doesn't feel very good.

That is where I am in life. Candid and unashamed. I am growing, and yes, it is quite painful :-)

So... yea. Does anybody have any suggestions for where I should go to college... and why?


Friday, November 02, 2007

Me in a nutshell

Your Score: Logical Female

You are a logical female. Males in this category are a little bit on the rarer side, but stand out. You are fairly easygoing and often question the world around you, and yourself. You don’t usually take arguments personally and like your breathing room. This may be mistaken for a lack of assertiveness, but you are actually surprisingly stubborn. Unfortunately, while you can sniff out motives and make cognitive leaps with your intuition rather easily, it may fail you in the realm of the heart. This may cause others to believe you to be cold and distant, when in fact you are simply bewildered. As a male, you are perceived as witty and confident, though also probably a huge nerd, which may alienate some women. Your best match is another Logical Female.