Thursday, February 07, 2008

Norman Bound, one advantage

I really like College, for the sole purpose that it takes me out of the crazy busy world that I normally live in (any time I am in Tulsa), and it puts me in my own world where I can set my own schedule. Now, eventually I fall back into my time-wasting ways, however, any time I get to go to a new college, there is always this beautiful first few months where I get to set my own hours and schedule for life, and follow it religiously.

And then life is beautiful. I absolutely love having a scheduled life, for the sole purpose that I love accomplishing so much in such a small amount of time. While I do not like being restrained or limited by a pre-determined schedule, and while being under a schedule does make me feel like a machine at times, still yet, I accomplish so much acting like a machine that, it is, for a time, worth the sacrifice.

I really hate feeling like I am wasting my time. My late New Years resolution, following the lead of my friend Shayna, is to stop wasting time. I get at most 16 hours in a day that I can utilize, and I would like to make the most of them.

First step, figuring out how on earth to get out of bed before 9am, haha.

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