Sunday, December 10, 2006

New Book

Last night, around 8pm, I decided I was in the "reading" mood... So I set down 
with one of Ted Dekker's newer book: The Saint . Let me just start by saying that the book was absolutly incredible. I did not stop reading until 2am, when I had finished the book. I havent read that much at one time since my Harry Potter days...
It was exactly what I was needing. An adventure. If any of you all are familiar with Ted Dekker, then you know what type of book this was. Brief summary: It is about a sniper that is stripped of his own identity so that he can push the boundries of his mind and his soul and push into the unimaginable. Eventually, it ties the (great) story in with a Christian theme of the power of our minds, the neccesity for true love- of God and man, and the power of truth.

 If you are in look of a good aventure book that will really stretch your mind and re-introduce you to the imaginative side of faith, and make you even more respectful of the fact that our faith really cannont be cognitavly be quantified- and any attempt to only limits our capiabilities as believers.... I would recommend this book.

To those who have read the book, I would like to offer this excerpt-
By Alexander Pope
How happy is the blameless vestal's lot!
The world forgetting, by the world forgot.
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind!
Each pray'r accepted, and each wish resign'd;

This reminds me of the key theme in the beginning of the book- the loss of identity to gain some sort of upper hand in life. Whether or not you have read the book, Im sure this is something you can relate to. As we get older, it seems that what was once our "child-like faith" and imagination is replaced slowly with things called "facts" and supposed truths. Then, we pay tons of money every week for something called entertaiment, which is often times, just individuals who are pushing the limits of what we call facts. Whether it is a football game, or a movie. Our bodies, and our minds crave examples of people who can push beyond these limits. The ironic thing is that the limits are nothing more then mirrors and shadows.

Do you remember a time when you believed in something mystical?


Monk-in-Training said...

Yes I do, in fact the Mystery of Christ surrounds and informs my whole walk with Jesus.

I can't know every thing about Him, but I can be drawn to Him, seek Him out and contemplate the unknowable depths of His Being.

You are right, our Faith can not be cognitively quantified. There are things we can know, other times we can only seek that which an English Monk long ago called the Cloud of Unknowing.

Great post on the journey.

Mysterium Tremendum et Fascinosum
They mystery that awes and fascinates

Transparent_Shadow said...

so, im definetly not going to start reading the sain untill after finals or else i wont study b/c ill be reading haha. see im not as screwed up as u think =]