Saturday, March 22, 2008

to Anonymous

I have A or Several anonymous respondents to some of my posts... but no real way to respond to them. However, seeing as how I really have valued what that person or group of people have said, I will respond to them with a new post.

Here is my response to Anonymous... in response to their comments on my posts: "dreaming", "Overflow of my Brain", and "Title Poem"

I will have to respond to their other remarks later...

First, to "dreaming":

I would LOVE to do what God tells me to do... but first, I would need for Him to tell me what to do... lol. Maybe I talk too much... but thus far in my life, it seems like God prefers to lead me by guiding my actions, rather than by telling me where to go.... to say it another way: God tends to be my steering wheel, but not my GPS or gas pedal.

Right now, I am afraid to hit the gas, because I have no clue what direction I am pointed, nor do I know which directions I should be pointed.

So... DUH ZAC!, just hit the gas and let God steer you may say... well, I am fickle. :-)

Second, to "Overflow of my Brain":

I dont feel like I really was all that exceptional in debate or in soccer... I placed 6th at State in debate... barely, and didnt even make it to the state tournament in soccer (due to my silly red card)

Lastly, to "Title Poem":

I have always thought that it was because I wasnt ready... it will be a total trip if it is because SHE isnt ready... lol.

PS- Thank you for your input Anonymous

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's not about placement, it's about achievement. If you think it's about placement, you're setting yourself up for eternal disappointment.

How good you are at something counts far more in my book than how well you place in it. Sixth in the state is not bad, so I don't know what you're talking about there. And your skill in soccer is not necessarily reflected by your red card. It is a TEAM sport, after all.