Monday, December 17, 2007

Norman Bound

And so I was thinking, what would I like to do right now. Honestly, I would like to get my life in order and do something that I do not have time for, or rather am not making time for right now. Among those things are: reading, writing, dreaming, eating regularly, sleeping as much as I should, working out often, and spending time with friends and family.

Also, I would really like to spend some time in Europe, and study some church history. That however, is really only best done in graduate school. And so, it appears I need a college degree. Well, I have been thinking, really what is most important for graduate school is your undergraduate GPA... and since I want to do many things (like reading) that is not work, I would be best off not taking crazy hard classes, but rather save my exploratory studying for graduate school, where it can be best utilized. For now, I think I would like a good general degree that I can do well in, not be wasting my time studying, and would serve me later in life (both to get me into graduate school, if I still want to go) and just be a good degree to have.

Therefore, I have have applied to the University of Oklahoma, the school I swore I would never go to ... lol. I am going to be studying Entrepreneurship and Venture Management, while enjoying life, laughing with friends, reading what I would like to read, and finally be on a good schedule.

My time in Tulsa has been great, but I would like to be on my own now. It is time. I have applied for summer session, and the day after my birthday, I will be moving out and starting classes down at OU (if all goes as planned).

I am looking forward to it... now if I can just find a place to live :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's interesting.