Wednesday, July 02, 2008

reading & vlogging

I miss reading and vlogging... seriously. Now that I am crazy busy with Vidoop and Mowing, I dont really find time to just sit down and read or write, or even vlog. I think I will start that up again. If nothing else, maybe it will slow down time a bit. It is crazy that I have already been working for Vidoop for over a month now.

Okay. Its official. I am adding it o my list.

Now on my list of things I am scheduling in my life:
1) 30-40 hours a week at Vidoop
2) 20-30 hours a week mowing.
3) 5 hours a week doing HAPM stuff
4) Reading 4-5 hours a week
5) Vlogging 2 hours a week. (they take an hour to record, process, and upload for each 10 min clip)
6) Eating 4 meals a day.
7) Working out at least 5 days a week.
8) Keeping my room and car clean and organized.
9) Having dinner with my family at least 2 times a week.
10) Finding time to respond to emails and write emails (or messages of some form) to friends.

I figure, if I can pull those off... I will be set .

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