Wednesday, April 02, 2008

addendum to choice

Just to be clear... I do see the heart of what Anonymous was trying to say with their comment... that I should only teach truth and not simply brainwash people with speculation... to that, I assure you that I most usually draw clear lines, in any conversation, between speculation and what I hold to be true.

I do thank you for your words of wisdom though, as I have had the tendency in the past to simply try and convince everyone of every new thought in my head....

Okay, I think my position is clear... I hope my last post was not offensive... lol

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No you don't. I said "be sure that what you're teaching is RIGHT." I didn't say correct or true.

While in my limited contact with you I have noticed a certain tendency for you to think that every thought you come across must be earth-shattering and important to all mankind, that's not what I was getting at. I think you're intelligent enough to know not to teach people things that you know to be untruths. That would go against the Christianity that you hold so dear.

I want you to make sure that you're right. Justified, backed up by Scripture and experience, I-know-this-is-absolute-Truth kind of right. Right as in upstanding morality.

Because, with all of this introspection coupled with all this isolation in the past few months, you walk a dangerous line of coming to really stunning conclusions or falling into the trap of thinking that you're right all the time because you've had nobody better to compare yourself to. And this isn't just you - anybody would need to watch himself on this issue.

It wasn't offensive. I'm not that easy to offend.