Wednesday, May 07, 2008


Why is it that in marriages, there is always a dominate partner? Most of the marriages that I know of have a fairly apparent dominate partner of the pair. Often times, they are the more aggressive, angrier one of the two.

Is it necessary for their to be a "dominate" partner?... if so, can that person be the Alpha without holding their position by being a bully? Does leadership always have to come by intimidation, or can it come through consent?

My parents have a good marriage. They are both crazy stubborn, but they both really respect each other. I suppose my mother plays the submissive one, but she certainly stands up for herself. Fortunately, my father respects her enough to never run over her. Really, I think my parents marriage is kind of like our system of government. My father is the Senate and my mother is the President. My father makes the laws, but my mother still has some amount of veto power and the capacity to start legislation herself.

Do you think that this whole dominate/submissive trait usually found in relationships is necessary and inevitable, or could it just be a byproduct of selfish people?

In an ideal marriage or relationship, could two people be actual equals?


Anonymous said...

Biblically speaking, it would be impossible to be equals. Wives are supposed to be submissive to husbands. Fact of Christian life.

On the other hand, a man's job is harder than the women's if you look at how it's spelled out:

Ephesians 5:22-32
1 Peter 2: 13-15

jay said...

submissive and unequal are so not the same. i believe you can be equal and still uphold the thoughts about marriage within Christianity.
i'd say yes. i think relationships/marriages would be made stronger and more secure if there is equality within them