Thursday, May 01, 2008

Paris or Berlin

If I had to choose a city to move to for the next week... I would choose either Paris or Berlin.

I dont know any French, which is kind of ironic considering Paris would be my first choice. I have only been to Paris twice now.... and probably only spent a sum total of just over a week in the city, but I think that is long enough to know if you like a place or not.

There is just something about that city... I just find it so amazing. There is so much history there... and the lifestyle just seems so relaxed an enjoyable. It is one of those cities that I would want to be outside in... Most of the big cities in the states are okay to walk around in... but you mainly want to be inside. (well, aside from Chicago and maybe Boston). Paris, though, makes me just want to walk around and enjoy life.

Berlin is another amazing city. It kind of gives off a simliar vibe... but it is more industrial and a generally more masculine city.

Maybe this is why I like that pseudo-techno video a few posts ago... haha.

I like Paris and Berlin. They are my "adventure" cities.

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